Can a Rice Cooker be Used as a Slow Cooker?

Can a Rice Cooker be Used as a Slow Cooker

In the world of modern kitchen appliances, rice cookers have attained a level of popularity and convenience. They are super handy to use. But did you know they can do more than just rice? You might wonder if you can use your rice cooker as a slow cooker.

Slow cookers, also known as Crock-Pots, are famous for making delicious stews, tender roasts, and other tasty dishes. Having to own both a rice cooker and a slow cooker can be a space and money issue. I’ve been working in the field of kitchen appliances for 6 years, and people often ask if they can use their rice cooker as a slow cooker.

In this article, I will help you to find out if your rice cooker can replace a slow cooker and make the same yummy slow-cooked meals. I will also address some of the common mistakes people make if they are using their rice cooker as a crockpot.

Is a Rice Cooker the Same as a Crock Pot?

The basic purpose of a rice cooker is to make perfect rice and save people from the hassle of watching it over. So, rice cookers provide the convenience of cooking rice with less effort.

Meanwhile, the slow cooker or crockpot is designed to cook food slowly for several hours. People use it to make stews, soups, braised dishes, and other meals that require long and slow cooking. Now let’s further explore the difference between rice cookers vs crock pots.

How Can I Use a Rice Cooker as a Crock Pot?

How Can I Use a Rice Cooker as a Crock Pot

Now that we know the difference between a rice cooker and a slow cooker. The question arises: if they are different appliances with different functionality, can we still use rice cookers as slow cookers?

Modern rice cooker models come with a lot of features that allow you to cook many dishes other than rice. They use advanced technology like fuzzy logic and heat induction to enable the cooking of various dishes.

Instructions to Use Rice Cooker as Slow Cooker

Before starting the cooking process, make sure your rice cooker has a ‘Warm’ or ‘Low’ setting, ideally, one that doesn’t shut off automatically. Then follow the below steps to use your trusty rice cooker as a slow cooker.

  • Start by sautéing or browning garlic, onions, and meat in a pan. This makes your food tastier.
  • Then, add vegetables, spices, and any other ingredients required for your dish.
  • Also, add sufficient liquid (like broth or sauce) to prevent burning or sticking.
  • Now, place all your prepared ingredients in the rice cooker.
  • Place the lid on your rice cooker and set it to cook mode.
  • Let the ingredients cook on the initial setting for 20 to 30 minutes or until the mixture starts to simmer and bubble.
  • Then, switch your rice cooker to the “Low” or “Warm” setting.
  • This setting keeps a lower, steady temperature like a slow cooker.
  • Leave it on “Low” or “Warm” for 45-60 minutes. Check sometimes to keep it from drying out or boiling over.
  • After about an hour, open the lid.
  • Check the food’s temperature and if it’s cooked enough. If not, put it back on “Low” or “Warm” and check later.
  • When your dish is tender and tasty, it’s ready to eat.

Now that you know you can use a rice cooker as a slow cooker, let’s explore some popular slow cooker recipes that you can easily make in the rice cooker.

A few Mistakes to Dodge When you are Using a Rice cooker as a Slow Cooker

Mistakes to Dodge When you are Using a Rice cooker as a Slow Cooker

You can totally use your rice cooker as a slow cooker. It is a convenient alternative, but it has its own set of drawbacks. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when you are slow cooking in a rice cooker:

1. Wanting the Same Precision

It’s crucial to remember that a rice cooker may not offer the same level of temperature control and precision as a specific slow cooker. Don’t expect identical results for slow-cooked recipes and be prepared to alter the temperature.

2. Neglecting to Check and Stir

While slow cookers keep a steady low temperature, rice cookers might need more monitoring. So, make sure you regularly check and stir the dish to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking throughout.

3. Overloading the Ingredients

Don’t overload the rice cooker with too many ingredients. Overcrowding can interrupt the cooking process and result in unevenly cooked food. To achieve the best results, use the recommended capacity.

4. Ignoring Temperature Variations

There is a temperature difference between a rice cooker and a slow cooker. Because rice cookers operate at higher temperatures. So, you have to adjust your cooking periods accordingly to avoid overcooking.

5. Incorrect Liquid Adjustments

Slow-cooked recipes mostly have specific liquid requirements. So, when you are cooking slow cooker recipes in a rice cooker, modify liquid amounts to avoid dishes getting too dry or soupy.

6. Excessive use of a “Warm” Setting

When you use the “Warm” setting on your rice cooker, it acts like low heat. But be careful to use it sparingly, or your food might end up overcooked or mushy. Use it wisely, and if your rice cooker has manual temperature control, consider using that. It’s essential to strike a balance to achieve the desired cooking outcome without compromising the texture of the dish.

7. Neglecting Cleaning

Remember to clean your rice cooker after using it for slow cooking. Make sure to clean it well to get rid of any leftover bits. Ignoring the cleaning process can affect how well the rice cooker works and may impact the taste of your future dishes.


If the need arises, you can utilize a rice cooker to slow-cook your meals. Essentially, the process involves bringing the liquid to a boil, cooking the dish in the hot liquid for about an hour, and then repeating this cycle until you achieve the desired outcome. While it may take more time, it’s a feasible way to make slow-cooked dishes using your rice cooker.

Before you wrap up, take a look at the following links that provide additional information related to rice cooker:


1. Can I Cook All Types of Slow Cooker Recipes in a Rice Cooker?

Not all slow cooker recipes are suitable for a rice cooker. This is because of differences in heat distribution and moisture retention. Some recipes require very long or very low-temperature cooking, so they might not yield the desired results in a rice cooker.

2. Can I Achieve the Same ‘Slow-Cooked’ Taste and Texture Using a Rice Cooker?

A rice cooker can produce similar results to a slow cooker for certain recipes; however, it may not replicate the exact ‘slow-cooked’ taste and texture due to the differences in cooking temperatures and methods.

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